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Planetary Dance

Healing and Community Renewal

Core Dance in recognition of Anna & Daria Halprin and the Tamalpa Institute offer Planetary Dance to our communities. The Planetary Dance is a ritual of healing and community renewal. It brings people of all ages and abilities together in a beautiful setting to dance for a purpose. The Planetary Dance Community invites people all over the world to join in a dance for peace in their own communities and peace with the Earth.

At the heart of the Planetary Dance is the Earth Run, a simple dance that everybody, from children to seniors, can do. Participants declare a cause to which they are committed and then run or walk in a series of concentric circles, creating a moving mandala. "As everybody moves to the steady heartbeat of the drums," Halprin explains, "we become one collective body. Each step upon the earth becomes a call for sanctuary." Following a Summer Intensive with Anna Halprin at Mountain Studios in Marin County, California in 2017, Core Dance has offered The Planetary Dance to communities in Atlanta, Houston, Arkansas (multiple cities & sites) and St. Antonin Noble Val/FRANCE.
“It's going to take the willing commitment of enough people to say we will heal this earth. Every step is a prayer, and we must pray together for the healing of the earth... The circle is an act of unity, and the four directions give it stability. It's the squared circle which is the archetypal mandala of harmony.”- Anna Halprin, Moving Toward Life: Five Decades of Transformational Dance, p. 200, �1995, Wesleyan University Press

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