On the Monday after a major performance, the office at Core Dance is always a bit quiet. We’re all tired and sluggish, coming down from the high that is production week. Today, my body is especially weary because in addition to Core Performance Company’s performance of “July 13, 2016: 4:10pm,” we also had a guest artist teach class last Wednesday-Friday. Last week was a crazy, amazing blur, and there is really no way I can capture all the energy and emotion in one blog post. So, I’m going to pick a few highlights to sum it all up.
Benjamin Wardell - “Low Flying”
Throughout three short classes, we learned how to move with, instead of against, the floor. Benjamin Wardell, the founder and Creative Director of The Cambrians, taught “Low Flying,” which included a ton of athletic floorwork and smooth transitions. Ben described his movement with some unique phrases:
the floor is our friend
our pelvis guides us
to swing, think of a pendulum - you gain momentum at the lowest point
Learn all about The Cambrians at http://www.thecambrians.com/
July 13, 2016: 4:10pm
A New Work by D. Patton White
Although we had three nights of performances, I only had a chance to sit and fully experience the third night. (The box office is quite a job!) The final night felt especially emotional to me, and the audience sat in silence for a moment after it ended. Everyone seemed to be catching their breath. I could tell you all about my favorite parts of the piece (shout out - Andrew and Scott’s duet was breathtaking), but I think it’s best to reflect the entire audience’s experiences.
After every performance or event, we ask two simple questions on an easel: What surprised you about the performance? And what did you find memorable?
Here is what our community said:
What surprised you about the performance?
The fluid choreography and strength of dancers - I could feel the strength of the Core
Tenderness and joy
Clearly seeing the dancers personalities
What did you find memorable?
The mix of child-like play and profound seriousness
The sweetness
The movements for example: as if embracing with arms is not enough, we need to embrace with all that we have